EU Food Safety Project: Assessing possibilities for farm `certification’ and organization of the milk channeling system

The EU Food Safety Project, funded by the European Union within the scope of the Aid Programme for the Turkish Cypriot community continues to assess possibilities for farm `certification’ and organization of the milk channelling system.

On 20 March 2023, the EU Food Safety Project experts visited a sheep and goat farm in Kontea/Türkmenköy. The aim of this project activity was to assess the farm conditions and possibilities for `certification’ of the farm. For the objective assessment, the representative of local body in charge of `veterinary services’ used a checklist that covered both farm conditions and the farm daily routine practice.

In the process of `certification’, the farm will receive support in the implementation of procedures in line with EU requirements on the following topics:
  • Controlled access of people and wildlife to the farm;
  • Farm water supply;
  • Proper identification system of farm animals;
  • Evidence of the health status of farm animals;
  • Contract with a ‘veterinary service’ and proper usage of veterinary medicines and storage of chemicals;
  • Separation of the milk from sick animals and animals under treatment;
  • Feed production for farm animals (production of feed, record on the harvesting, coarse feed of local production, traceability of own produced feed and for feedstuffs brought on to the farm);
  • Milk production (milking hygiene, milking routines, proper milking technique, maintenance of milking equipment, mastitis control and test results from milk samples);
  • Tests of raw milk for antibiotics and other residues;
  • Milk storage, refrigeration and cooling of milk during storage;
  • On-farm record keeping for all implemented procedures and received documentation.

During the visit, all identified gaps were discussed. Also, the project team explained to the owner of the farm the developed procedure for control of antibiotics as well as how to use the AB tests. The documents prepared by the EU Food Safety Project for management of farm records were also explained to the owner and individual copies were handed out.
After a certain period granted to comply with the developed documents, the farm will be visited again.
Depending on the implementation of the given recommendations and appropriate records, the farm is expected to be ‘certified’ by the `veterinary services’ and become part of the milk channeling PDO system.

EU Food Safety Project

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